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Texas School District Police Chiefs' Association
Texas School District Police Chiefs' Association

Congratulations to Chief Solomon Cook and the entire Humble ISD Police Department on the occasion of their 30 anniversary!


2025 TSDPCA conference 
​June 29-July 3, 2025 in Galveston at Moody Gardens. 
Watch for details

The Senate of The State of Texas Honors TSDPCA

Senator Robert L. Nichols, (Dist. 3), presented Senate Resolution 129. on the floor of the Texas Senate, on February 7, 2023, to recognize the leadership that the Association provides to school safety across the Great State of Texas.

The Resolution was unanimously approved.

The Senate of The State of Texas

Truly it was a great journey, and in it I met with many, whom to know was to love; but whom never could I see again. It seems to me that a view of the heavenly bodies through a fine telescope


Click here to download a current W-9 form.

TSDPCA Board Officers

TSDPCA Board Officers 

Officers for the 2023-2025 Biennium are:

President:                                 Chief Bill Avera, Jacksonville ISD
1st Vice President:                   
Chief Kirby Warnke, Corpus Christi ISD

2nd Vice President:                  Chief Paul Cordova, Aldine ISD

3rd Vice President:                   Chief Marlon Runnels, Klein ISD 

4th Vice President:                   Chief Anthony Smith, Wichita Falls ISD 

Immediate Past President:       Chief Solomon Cook, Humble ISD

Secretary | Conference Coord:   Deborah Bonola, Klein ISD

Treasurer:                                    Chief Jimmy Womack (Retired)